Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Invention of Hugo Cabret:20 minutes

Hugo Cabret is a very unusual boy.He also has a mystery behind him.His father died in a fire,and don't get me started on his drunk uncle.When he looks past that huge hole in his life,he realizes what really means to him:finishing the automaton,the only thing his father left behind,which writes a secret message and the only way for Hugo to read it and in order for the automaton to write,Hugo must fix it.But before he can fix it,he needs to get all the parts.I bet he is going to steal some parts from the toy booth across the train station.I don't know if his father is really dead and he secretly escaped the fire.I also think when Hugo fixes the automaton,it will draw a map that will lead Hugo to a safe or something,since he was poor.

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